Serbian (Latin)

CIRED Srbija 2024

Prvo obaveštenje i  poziv za pisanje radova



Izveštaj sa 13. savetovanja

Monografija 20 godina CIRED Srbija

For more information please contact the Technical Organizer:

BBN Congress Management
Deligradska 9
11000 Beograd
Tel. 3629402, 3629405
Fax +381 11 2682318


Instructions for Writing a Paper PDF Print E-mail


Final version of paper should be written in English, or in Serbian, if possible. Deadline for submission of full paper is May 7, 2018.

Since this year papers should be submitted via
an online application


The name of the file should be: Name Initial + Surname + PAP + first three words of the paper title.

EXAMPLE: M. Markovic – PAP – Data analysis of

In case the author submits more than one paper, the author should add a number 1, 2, 3… beside the PAP.

EXAMPLE: M. Markovic – PAP 1 – Data analysis of
M. Markovic – PAP 2 – Role and significance
M. Markovic – PAP 3 – The application of

The paper may be written in English language. The length is maximum 9 pages, in a single column, A4, abstract, text, formulas, tables, pictures and other graphics included.

In preparing papers, authors are asked to carefully follow the instructions given in this manual, to ensure the uniform appearance of published papers. Prominent examples for writing papers and short content (Summary) are attached.

In case that after the completion of reviews it is necessary to correct the papers, the organizer can independently perform minor modifications in work. If there is a need for larger corrections, the paper is returned to the author for revision.

Font: Times New Roman 10

Margins: top 2.4 cm
bottom 2.4 cm
left 2.5 cm
right 2.5 cm

Title should be placed from the top of the page, centered, IN CAPITAL LETTERS, BOLD. Title is followed by two empty rows.

Names of the authors and co-authors are centered, as specified: Full name + Surname (e.g. John SMITH), without titles and other professional qualifications; this is followed by the name of the organization (company, institute, faculty, etc.) and country that the author comes from. Each co-author is stated in the separated row. After the details of the last author or co-author 2 empty rows should be left.                                   

Text of the paper is written in one column with 1 line spacing.

Before the paper text, summary of the paper needs to be included, introduced as a rule since this conference.

Summary of the paper - abstract will be published in a special publication of the Conference – Book of Abstracts. Summary should be submitted together with the paper, within the same document, in electronic format.

A brief summary should be prepared in accordance with paper sample given below, whereas the length of the content does not exceed 300 words. At the end of the content it is obligatory to emphasize key words of the paper.

Summary must be delivered in English language with text written in one column with 1 line spacing.

Contact details are given after the summary, in Times New Roman 8.

Headlines are written in CAPITAL LETTERS, BOLD, starting at the beginning of the left margin (no indentation). Each is preceded by 2 empty rows (unless the chapter title starts at the top of a new page). The chapter title is followed by one empty row.

Subtitles of the 2nd level are written in upper and lower case, bold. They start at the beginning of the left margin (no indentation), proceeded by two empty rows (except in case it is at the page beginning) and followed by one empty raw.

Subtitles of the 3nd level are written in upper and lower case, bold. They start at the beginning of the left margin (no indentation), and behind goes a spot. Two empty rows proceed but text goes in line with title.

Indentation should not be used. Text always begins from the left margin.

Literature: Literature should be marked by numbers in the brackets e.g. Savic [1], Savic and Smith [2]. If one source is cited more than one time, only reference number should be stated.

The numbered list should be provided at the end of the paper, each row for the new reference, in the following form: authors surname and name initial letter, publication year, title, magazine title (underlined), issue number (underlined), page;


  1. 1. Savic J, 1995, “article title”, “magazine title”, “number, page number
  2. 2. Savic J, Smith W and Doe J, 1997, “article title”, “magazine title”, “number, page number
  3. 3. Savic J, Doe J, 1999, “article title”, “magazine title”, “number, page number

For books, reports and other sources:
1. Savic J, 1995, “Book Title”, “Publisher”, page number
2. Savic J, Smith W and Doe J, 1997, “Book Title”, “Publisher”, page number

Abbreviations should not be used, to avoiding confusion.

The commercial content should be avoided, especially naming concrete products, unless necessary. In case of comparison, references such as “Product A and Product B”, or similar, should be applied.

Copyright: If copyrighted material is used in the paper, references to it should be mentioned in the conclusion of the paper.

Tables should be marked with subsequent numbers. Placing tables at the beginning or the end of the page contributes to a better appearance of paper but is not obligatory. The title of the table should be written in the capital letters, table number, and dash and then table title (e.g. TABLE 5 – GAS INDICATORS). In case the title of table occupies more than a row, the other row should start with an indent (below the first letter of the title of the table). All columns in table should be clearly marked with symbols or units in which content of the row is expressed.

Drawings - Every drawing needs reference and they cannot be drawn by hand, only electronically.

Photographs - The use of b/w photos is allowed and the quality should be satisfactory.

Graphs – ordinates and axis should be marked with symbols and units.

Size of drawings, photographs and graphs - should be such to allow as many of them as possible on one page.

Number of page and header - are not to be included.

Page footer - Authors contact information can be put in the page footer in italic capital and small letters.

Representable example of paper:

(1 empty row)
Author’s name (Name + SURNAME without titles and other professional qualifications; This is followed by the name of the organization (company, institute, faculty, etc) and country that the author comes from).– Times New Roman 10
Coauthors’s names - Times New Roman 10
(1 empty row)
(1 empty row)
One column text with one spacing - laskdlkjflasjkdof sdiuwero urkkdsj jjlsdjsdoikdljs lksdlsdkdsfkjslkdj l;kdklkdlslsid yfdidk uweouiw ekljdfs lksjdoi uewoirjklf slkjdfoiweurou rwkljdsoifowyue roulskjfos iurewjsdfoiwe ujklsfoir uewjkdfo iskjweoliofsufjkeioesioufslkjefies isojeierwjelejlisejfioeer wlkdjfsilsoirwejf esioeusfirwe jfeiujsoewej eslisijesfi lefkdieiejedd idieiieiekdkdieiei kdlsklsddk kdsljsfioiodu dkslsdejkf dkslsdfjff dkslsfj
(1 empty row)
Key words: gnkanflshfshf, jlhfafhkafh, hahfhfafhl, hahfklahf
(2 empty rows)

Author’s contact information – Times New Roman 8
(2 empty rows)

(1 empty row)
text in one column – laskdlkjflasjkdofsdiuwerourkkdsjjjlsdjsdoikdljslksdlsdkdsfkjslkdjl;kdklkdlslsidyfdidk
uweouiwekljdfs lksjdoiuewoirjklf slkjdfoiweurou rwkljdsoifowyue roulskjfos iurewjsdfoiwe ujklsfoir uewjkdfo iskjweoliofsufjkeioesioufslkjefies isojeierwjelejlisejfioeer wlkdjfsilsoirwejf esioeusfirwe jfeiujsoewej eslisijesfi lefkdieiejedd idieiieiekdkdieiei kdlsklsddk kdsljsfioiodu dkslsdejkf dkslsdfjff dkslsfj
(1 empty row)
(1 empty row)
text in one column - uweouiwekljdfs lksjdoiuewoirjklf slkjdfoiweurou rwkljdsoifowyue roulskjfos iurewjsdfoiwe ujklsfoir uewjkdfojkljlkjgjghfhghfjf iskjweoliofsufjkeioesioufslkjefies isojeierwjelejlisejfioeer wlkdjfsilsoirwejf esioeusfirwe jfeiujsoewej eslisijesfi lefkdieiejedd idieiieiekdkdieiei kdlsklsddk kdsljsfioie
(1 empty row)
(1 empty row)
text in one column - uewjkdfo iskjweoliofsufjkeioesioufslkjefies isojeierwjelejlisejfioeer wlkdjfsilsoirwejf esioeusfirwe jfeiujsoewej eslisijesfi lefkdieiejedd idieiieiekdkdieiei kdlsklsddk kdsljsfioiiiikldslkslkjwieosk
uweouiwekljdfs lksjdoiuewoirjklf slkjdfoiweurou rwkljdsoifowyue roulskjfos iurewjsdfoiwe ujklsfoir
(1 empty row)
(1 empty row)
1. Savic J, 1995, “title of paper”, “name of journal”, “volume number”, page numbers

  1. 2. Savic J, Doe J, 1999, “title of paper”, “name of journal”, “volume number”, page numbers
  2. 3. Savic J, 1995, “title of book”, “name of publisher”, page numbers
  3. 4. Savic J, Smith W and Doe J, 1997, “title of book”, “name of publisher”, page numbers

(Maximum length of the Paper – 9 pages)


For further information please contact:

Zoran Simendic, PhD, Chairman of CIRED LC of Serbia
Apatinski put bb, 25000 Sombor, Serbia
Tel: +381 (0) 25 465 200 / Fax: +381 (0) 25 429 399
web site:

Conference Secretariat:
BBN Congress Management,
Deligradska 9/25, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Tel: +381 (0)11 3629 402, 3629 405, 2682 318
Fax: +381 (0) 11 3629 406
web site:
Contact: Marija Markovic


Marketing program

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